Kelsee was called to begin a breathwork practice 3 years ago, she began using her breath to heal and nourish her nervous system, which allowed her to access an inner connection, understand and move through mental & emotional challenges ~ past & present.
Breathwork has taught her to be with what is present, to experience the energy of thoughts, feelings & sensations, letting go and starting again from a grounded place.
Kelsee believes breathwork allows us to harness our ability to create calm and access a state of peace through stillness, no matter what is going on around us, the ability to control the breath, allows us to see the truth in what we need most in each moment.
The magic and transformation she experienced through the breath guided her to learn and on share the power of it to others.
Kelsee has studied nutrition for stress, anxiety & depression which brought her to fall even more in love with all things nervous system